Who We Are
As a licensed provider of residential services in Richton Park, Illinois, Gentle Hands Rehabilitation, Inc. serves our clients with developmental disabilities and mental health needs round the clock, providing comprehensive, person-centered services. Our licensed residential group home in Illinois is composed of 3 to 5 individuals who have intensive support needs. They may require a high level of structure, guidance, and support to improve their quality of life.
To fully provide a holistic approach to supporting the individuals under our care, we carefully assess their unique needs, preferences, and traits. Based on these pieces of information, we implement supports around each individual, rather than trying to fit him or her into a predetermined mold. As much as possible, Gentle Hands Rehabilitation builds these supports prior to the individual moving in. We believe that this process promotes a smooth transition and successful placement.
Our Mission
At Gentle Hands Rehabilitation, Inc., we are committed to providing quality residential services and training for individuals with developmental disabilities and mental health needs, enabling them to become valued and productive members of society.
Our Vision
Our Board of Directors envisages Gentle Hands Rehabilitation, Inc. to provide quality care in a friendly and professional setting second to none.
Our Philosophy
At Gentle Hands Rehabilitation, Inc., we are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for adults with developmental disabilities and mental health needs through increased access to integrated life choices, which include residential living, employment, and recreation. Our team is obligated to promoting choices and protecting human rights. We believe that all life holds value, and each individual is entitled to respect and dignity.